Aaron Van MatrePDGA#: 35186
Advanced Amateur (927 rating)
Began Playing Disc Golf: Jan 2007 started playing more often and competitively....before that i was a "one disc" guy throwing thumbers mainly
First Disc: DX Firebird
Favorite Hole at Morley: #5, #10, #19
Morley Field Aces: 5 (#1D, #2B, #13E, #14B, #15C twice)
Favorite Disc: Right now it is the Pro Firebird
Favorite Drivers: Champion Wraith (165g & 172g) and Boss (Champion and Star)
Favorite Midranges: Z-Buzz & 1st run Cro
Favorite Putter: Voodoo & KC Aviar
In My Bag: Champion Monarch (172), Champion Wraith (165), Champion Wraith (172), 1st run CFR Boss (175), CFR Destroyer (175), Star Boss (167), CFR Xcaliber (175), Champion Leopard (170), CFR TL (172), Pro Firebird (172), Sparkle Tsunami (172), 2 Champion Firebirds (175), Champion Monster (175), Elite-Z Flick (169), Elite-Z Buzz (176), 1st run Star Cro (172), CFR Gator (175), Pro Pig (175), KC Pro Aviar (175g) & SS Voodoo (175).
Tourney Top 5 finishes (not necessarily from Morley): 18th - The Memorial in Scottsdale, AZ (qualified for AM Nationals) 5th - Emerald Isle Open 2nd - 2008 Halloween Classic in Scottsdale, AZ 2nd - 2008 Sun Valley Open 4th - 2008 Santa Maria Open
Favorite Disc Golf Website: discgolfersr.us, primediscs.com, pdga.com, discgolfcenter.com
Favorite Pro Player: Dave Feldberg, Nikko Locastro, & Paul McBeth
Tips for newer players and players looking to improve: Find an open field and throw! just go out and throw as often as you can. good thing about throwing in an open field is that you can see what your disc can do when you throw it with nothing in the way. because when you "learn" your discs and understand what they can do, you build confidence. and confidence on the course will translate to lower scores. also, practice your putts with purpose. putting practice will also instill confidence in your game. find twenty minutes in the day that is NOT before a round of disc golf. otherwise, you will rush through or even skip putting before playing a round.
editors note - Aaron is the player pictured on the front page of this web site